"Rosie" |
Recently, I’ve been
riding Rosie in the small outdoor arena, but this past weekend I opted for the
indoor. It’s been raining for a few days and very cold (45) and
windy. So, riding indoors was a no brainer on Saturday. Just as I was
adjusting the girth, Rosie did a huge spook. Now, Rosie never spooks, so
running backwards with her head up and the whites of her eyes showing was very
different from her normal behavior.

My daughter and Hanz
entered the arena and she pointed out that at the end of the arena there were
two small foxes hiding behind the stone wall jump. Aha! I didn’t see
them, but apparently Rosie did. The foxes scampered out under the back
door after a few minutes and things seemed to calm down. I hand-walked
Rosie around the arena a few times to give her a good look around. She
seemed to be calmed down, so we went to the mounting block. Well, she was
having none of it and kept jigging around every time I put my foot in the
stirrup. After a few minutes of this, I suggested that my daughter get on
her while I held Hanz.
Good plan. It took
her a while, but she did get on and walked her around a few times and
dismounted. I’m thankful I have my daughter to help me out when I need
it! In the past I would have persevered and eventually got on her but
I’m getting older and less flexible. I don’t bounce as well as I used to, so I
decided to let it go for the day. There’s always another day to ride.
Our resident foxes
We seem to have a lot
of baby foxes on the farm this year. I have no idea where the moms are.
Three of them live under the feed shed and two (that I’ve seen) live by the
indoor. They come out and play, wrestle with each other, and take any
horse brushes left unguarded to play with. We’ll find the brushes in the
grass or up in the outdoor arena. After this incident, I would prefer them to
leave, but they are keeping the rodent population down, so less ticks to deal
with. We’ve noticed a big difference already this year.
Quote for Today
“When you’re young and you fall off a
horse, you may break something. When you’re my age, you splatter.” – Roy