Tuesday, August 31, 2021

All Good Things Must Come To An End

"Hanz, Sami, Rosie & Blue"
Rosie and I had a nice ride down "The Alleyway" last weekend

      I started this blog on October 25, 2007 to interact with like-minded horse people, to exchange ideas, and hear other people’s opinions on everything concerning the horse.  Along the way, I’ve met some really smart people who are dedicated to bettering themselves and their horses' lives.  We’ve discussed how to improve our riding and solve problems relating to our horses.  I’ve met some very good horse people who I now consider my friends.  After all these years, it’s not as though I know all there is about horses, but it seems more people have gone to social media to interact and that’s just not for me.

     So, I’ll be ending this blog for now unless something very interesting happens around here. In the meantime, I plan to keep riding and learning. I’ll still check in with my favorite people and their horses when I can. It’s been fun, but for now I’ll say goodbye. Be safe and thankful for the horses in our lives.    

           Since I celebrated a milestone birthday last month which "officially" makes me a card carrying old lady,  I think this poem now applies to me!



  1. I wish you well! Thank you for all the lovely comments over the years.

    1. Thanks Val! Hope you are doing well. I missed your blog and was sorry to see you leave too.

  2. Awww you will be missed... but I totally understand.

    1. Thanks Shirley! I'm going to keep following all the blogs.

  3. I will miss reading of you and your horses. But I understand. Please stay in touch if you can.

    1. Thanks, I plan on still following all your blogs.

  4. A - first of all - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I have always enjoyed your contributions to the blogging world, as well as getting to (virtually) know your adorable horses, and visit your gorgeous farm and barn. I hope that we can stay in touch. Best wishes to you, your daughter and all the critters! :D xianleigh (@) earthlink (dot) net

    1. Thanks CFS! I hope you and Val and your critters are doing well. Of course, we'll stay in touch. I just won't be blogging anymore but I'd love to catch up with you sometime.

  5. Oh no! I’m so sad to see you go from this part of my world but I hope you’ll stay in touch in other ways. I’m sure I’ll keep typing in your blog address every day as I usually do out of muscle memory. :)

    Meanwhile, the very best of birthday wishes to you. I know even if we don’t get to read about them, you’ll be continuing your adventures with horses. It’s interesting - not my blog, but I recently decided to let a few things go this year in order to free up some time for myself. I think it’s important to do that so while I’m sad I totally get it and glad you’re taking care of your time and energies. :)

    1. Hi billie,
      Thanks for the birthday wishes. I thought it was time to say goodbye after all these many years. I'll still keep in touch with all my friends and keep visiting their blogs. I hear what your saying about freeing up some time. There are too many things to do and there's never enough time to get it all done. See you on your blog!

  6. Well, at least you are not totally signing off. I would REALLY miss you if you were!! Know you are my treasured blogger friend! Thanks for all the sage advice you've shared over the years. You've really made a difference in our lives. I love reading & seeing what is going on in your part of the world, but ~ like the others, I completely understand. Change is inevitable. Sounds like you might post upon occasion, and plan to stay connected :) If you ever want to keep in touch off Blogger, my email is first name, dot, last name and I use gmail.

    Such a beautiful place to ride with Rosie. Love the poem. Last but far from least, Happy belated milestone B-day!! Keep doing what makes you happy and enjoy spending time with your two & four legged family!

    1. Thanks aurora. Don't worry I'll still be here with plenty of "suggestions" that might make Brad crazy. You know, mounting blocks, indoor waterfalls etc. I'll be here to see how Padame and Koda and the whole herd is doing.

  7. This makes me sad. Social media is no substitute for what unfolds through our blogs. Yours has always been one my most treasured. I am so thankful for having your input in my life. Happy birthday, sweet, wise, wonderful horsewoman.

    1. Thanks Linda. I'll still be here connecting with all of you through your blogs. I've got to keep up with how Epona is doing and all of your herd and dogs and most importantly your journey with them all.

    2. I hope you do, and that you continue to share your own when you stop by. I have relied on your wisdom, as you know very well. When I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark, I send out lifelines that you have often answered.

    3. Thanks Linda. I don't think you're stumbling in the dark at all. You seem to have it all under control. It's been a rough couple of months for everyone with Epona but you're coming out of the tough times and into the sunlight now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel :)

  8. I've enjoyed your blog over the years. I had no idea you were 70! Surely there will be something you'll want to tell us or want to record in the future ;-).

    1. Thanks crazy sheep lady! I can't believe I'm 70 either but at least I'm still reading at a 71 year old level! Maybe in the future if anything interesting happens around here I will mention it, you never know.

  9. Happy birthday! You inspired me to start blogging to begin with (I have since taken a break). You will be missed.

    1. Thank you, I'm flattered that you started your blog because of something I'd written. Sometimes we need a break but I hope you start blogging again if it's something that you like to do.

  10. You'll be missed. Enjoy your blog 'retirement' :)

  11. You're 70??! Yet again, you inspire me to aspire, thank you.
    I know what you mean about the blogging and social media - while I still enjoy the former, I detest the latter. Glad to hear you'll still be around. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely horses and their antics all these years, I've enjoyed them so much. And thank you for your support and advice back when I was having lessons. I'll miss you and them, but think about you all often. Enjoy your time with your family and that includes the 4-legged characters! xx

    1. Hi Joy,
      Yes, I'm 70 but still going strong and still riding as much as I can. It's been a pleasure to connect with you across the pond. I'll still check out your blog and writing when I can. Enjoy your boys!

  12. Arlyne, it has been a pleasure. I've laughed and I've cried with you over these past years, and thought of you as a friend. I too, have stopped writing here. Not because of anything I can put my finger on, just seemed to have lost an interest in keeping track. My life is a simple one, and at times it seems as if I have nothing to write about. That's not true though, for it is in the small, mundane tasks of daily life that matter the most. I hope to write here again soon, because my reason for writing was to keep a journal for a keepsake. Much has happened that I have not shared. I do hope you'll check in from time to time, as in many ways, we are kindred spirits. Be well and enjoy your days, your horses, dogs, friends and family. Those who give you reasons to smile are the ones to hold near and dear. Take care.

    1. Hi Lori,
      Good to hear from you and know you are well. You've been a good friend over the years and a kindred spirit. I'd love to know what's going on with you. My life is also simple and I just feel I had nothing else to share after all these years. By now everyone knows my opinions and my training philosophies so there's no sense repeating myself. Take care and I hope to see you on your blog with an update now and again.

  13. Hope you’re doing well. Merry Christmas! I’m sure your new puppy is making it fun!

  14. Hi Linda,
    Sorry I didn't see this sooner but I don't look at comments that often. We're all doing well, as I hope you are. A belated Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy Healthy New Year too!

    The puppy is now almost 3 months old and he's a lot of fun and a lot of work. I'm happy I got him, he makes us laugh a lot.


It's so nice of you to take the time to visit. I appreciate your stopping by and commenting on what I've written. Even though I sometimes don't have the time to reply to each comment, I do enjoy reading them.