Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Week In Pictures

" The Geese"
No idea what they're all looking at in the hay field next door but I'm sure it's very interesting

"Where have you been? Don't you know it's cold and snowing out here!"

" Come on step it up"

Waiting for Dinner

Blue taking a break in the sun today

They've got a rough life

Blue always makes me smile, what a character!

And, that's a wrap, he's out for the count

Quote for Today
Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.


  1. I was so happy to see an update from you, awesome photos! Love seeing pics of your scenic place. Your horses always look so content. The weather you had this week looks much like ours was, un-winter like until the snow arrived. We are in a bitter cold stretch now, then back to normal winter. You guys have a nice large pond. I'll assume since it is sizable, it's natural bottom. We had a 1600ish gallon plus falls, ornamental pond with koi at our old place. I miss it/them. Tiny compared to yours. We had one mallard pair that visited each year. Do your geese stick around? We are considering digging a larger version in the apple tree area we planted. It would have to be lined. Does your pond freeze over, with fish in it? The "waiting for dinner" photo cracked me up, as well as snoozy Blue. It's a wonderful life!!

    1. Last week we had two days of 60 degrees and this week it is brutally cold and windy and snowy. Hoping we get back to normal winter weather soon. The pond is a good size with a natural bottom and the geese usually stay. Sometimes there are so many of them you can barely see the water. To be honest they are really annoying and poop all over the driveways and paddocks. Blue hates them and can be seen charging at them when they're in his paddock! Guess he doesn't like goose poop on his food.

      We have some huge fish in there and we have aerators in three spots so it doesn't totally freeze, but sometimes a thin ice will form in some areas. A heron visits sometimes too. The pond runs into a creek behind the indoor which runs into a swampy river behind the property. We had an otter show up once but he left. We get a lot of green algae in the summer and have to treat it which is costly. It is pretty though.

  2. Oh, how I love seeing the photos of your farm and herd! Blue is making me laugh out loud - he looks so sweet lying down tucked up like a kitten and then stretched flat out like a huge dog. :) Hope you’re staying warm. We went from 55 yesterday to 25 last night and frozen troughs, dog water bowls, etc. I have had to bring the dog water back inside, which is a mess thanks to Clementine, who uses it as her own personal paw washing station when she comes in through the dog door. I’m hoping the cold temps deter her a bit from wanting to get any part of her body WET.

    1. Thanks, Blue is a funny guy. He has always taken a nap during the day and this was no exception. Nice pile of hay for a mattress, a little sun and he's good.

      Ginger used to swim in her water dish all the time when she was a puppy but she was corrected lots of times and finally stopped. Well, she still does it occasionally but it's rare. Hope Clementine breaks her habit of paw washing.

      We're supposed to go down to 8 tonight so I'm not looking forward to that but I'm hoping it warms up sooner than later and doesn't snow for a while. It seems there is so much more work in winter, then again I don't like the summer either. So it seems like a no win situation. Fall and Spring are good though.

  3. Your horses are living the life. When I die I want to come back as one of your horses. :)

    1. Ha! So do I. I'd love to have devoted servants catering to my every need...

  4. Winter is so lovely in your part of the world; the days are growing longer, soon we will all ride.

    1. I don't mind the winter or the snow but the temps have been too cold to ride. Hopefully, the warmer weather will be here soon. Good to hear from you!

  5. Blue cracks me up! And what great pictures!

    1. Thanks, Blue cracks everybody up. He's a riot most of the time, except when he's being Mr. Grumpy. Where have you been? I miss hearing about your riding adventures and Gen. Good to hear from you.

  6. Aw, your place is idyllic. I love geese. I stop whatever I’m doing if they’re flying overhead. Are they there all winter? I have a lot of respect for them and the way they take care of each other. Looks like the snow didn’t bother your herd one bit. We didn’t get much so far, and I’m a-okay with it. But winter isn’t over yet.


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