Monday, November 11, 2013

A New Face Around The Barn

We’ve had a new addition to the farm.  This little guy needed a home and he now has one with us.  I’m more of a dog person and haven’t had a cat since I was a child, many years ago.  The reason being that all my children are allergic to cats.  It’s hard to turn down an animal in need though, so we’ve adopted him.  He’s going to be an outside barn cat and live in the tack room.  Luckily, for him and us, the tack room, upstairs loft and blanket room have cat doors already built in so he can come and go as he pleases.  We’ll keep him in the tack room for a while until he gets the idea this is where he lives now.  The heat has been turned on for him so he won’t be cold at night and he has a night-light too.  There’s a rumor that even though he’s young (less than a year old) he’s a good mouser so we will see if that’s true in time.  He is very friendly and seems to be settling in nicely.

This weekend I rode Dusty and my daughter rode Grady.  Dusty was very good and did everything she was asked.  Grady was a little up because of the cold and wind but he managed to hold it together.  For some reason he was making faces at Dusty whenever we passed but it didn’t bother her a bit.  I’m told she gave him the stink eye right back.  She’s the queen of dirty looks and she doesn’t care how big Grady is.  Dusty won’t be intimidated by anyone or anything.  She thinks she’s very tough.

Until next time
Quote for Today
"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous


  1. Looks a little like Johnny CashCat (if you know who I mean). Lucky kitty, too!

    1. I know who you mean. Now if he's just as efficient at catching critters he'll earn his keep.

  2. Every barn needs a spoiled orange cat.

  3. We always had outdoor cats aka Rodent Control Officers.
    Hope your new guy is as efficient as ours were!

    1. Me too. Though in all the years here I've only seen two mice. I think they must come out at night when I'm not around.

  4. Very cute kitty - he sure does get "around"!

  5. Just lost my beloved barn kitty to traffic. I am so happy to see another needy kitty taken in to warmth, safety and plenty of good food. I expect him to pay you back with lots of good mousing. Be prepared in case he leaves the little bodies strewn about.

    Good for Dusty. They say a good mare knows how to keep the Boys in check. *G*

    1. Oh Jean, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. I'm a little afraid for this guy too. We live on the intersection of two busy streets. He'll be getting a reflective collar so I hope that helps a little. He won't be let out for a while though.

  6. Aawww, what a cute kitty!! He looks well set up where he is. I'm sure it won't be long before he starts bringing you little 'presents' ;o) Have you got a name for him yet? That cat quote is spot-on!

    Dusty & Grady, that's one double act I'd pay to see *lol* Somehow I can't imagine Dusty allowing anyone/anything to get one up on her ... unless its you, of course :D

    1. We only got him Saturday so he's still settling in. He came with a name's Milo.

      Don't be so sure Dusty lets me get one up on her either!

  7. I love him, he looks just like a cat at a barn I used to board at. His official name was Gordon but everyone called him OC (for Orange Cat).

    1. Thanks Kate, he looks like a cat I had when I was a kid. We called him TC for tabby cat or top cat, he did have a real name but I forget it now. Funny how they're names get shortened along the way.

  8. The nbk (new barn kitteh) seems to be on top of everything so far... ;D

  9. Congratulations on the addition of this new soul in your life. Orange cats are special,,.this guy will have your heart.
    Your tack room is gorgeous. If Milo doesnt like it there, I will be glad to move in! I don't catch mice but I am a helluva stall mucker, haha!

    1. He's pretty adorable. I'm sure he will like it after some time here. But just in case he doesn't you're welcome anytime. Are you sure you don't catch mice?

  10. He's adorable!!! I love orange tabbies! :D

    1. Thanks, orange tabbies are one of my favorites too.

  11. Does this sweet looking kitty have a name? And does he realize he's living at the Ritz?

    1. Hi Lori,
      He did come with a name but I'm not in love with it...Milo. He probably thinks he's in prison for now because we want to keep him inside until he realizes this is where he lives and so he doesn't wander away.

  12. Congratulations on your new addition! He's lucky to have found a home with you. My very first pet was an orange tabby that I named Sandy. Best cat ever.

  13. Thanks Wolfie. I like the name Sandy great name for a tabby.

  14. I betcha he's going to be super friendly and your little shadow as you go around the barn. Personally I'm a cat person: dogs give you affection, cats honor you with it.

    1. Ha! Cats are definitely more independent and less needy than dogs. I've always been more of a dog person but I like them all.

  15. What a beautiful wonderful that you help so many of the unwanted ones. He sure but the jackpot! I love your tack room by the way! Lovely!!

    1. Thanks. I need to clean and organize the tack room soon. We sort of straightened it up fir the kitty but there's always more to be done.

  16. Lucky kitty. He's just found heaven on earth! But doesn't he need a feline side-kick? He might get lonely.

    1. So far so good. He gets a lot of attention so we are hoping he doesn't need a pal but we will see.

  17. Your new kitty is just adorable. Well done you giving a sweet kitty in need a home - I am sure he will be a good mouser for you - you are giving him heat and food and adventure - they seem to know they are rescued and repay you. He is curious!

    1. I'm hoping his curiosity doesn't get him into any trouble :)

  18. A friend had a cat named Milo. He was a gooooood kitty. The name Milo "might be from the Old Slavonic root milu (merciful)." Milo the Merciful! (but not to mice : )
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

    1. I don't know where they came up with the name Milo. I was wondering if there was a cat in a movie or cartoon? I'm not crazy about the name but we will probably keep it.

    2. It's from the movie The Adventures of Milo and Otis (1989). I loved the movie when I was a little kid. Here is the link on Amazon :D

    3. Thanks! I'll have to check it out. Don't think I ever saw that movie.


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