Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year

' The Moon Last Night'
Thoughts For The New Year

Christmas is over and we’re heading into a new year with lots of possibilities.  I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions.  Mainly because in the past I rarely kept them and then just felt bad that I didn’t.  So I’ve decided to set myself up for success as I do with the horses.  In other words, if there are no resolutions to keep I can’t possibly fail if I don’t have any. Sounds like a good plan, right?

However, I have come to some conclusions, if you will, about what needs to be done this year.  Along with the requisite get physically fit and eat healthier I’ve decided that I need to spend more time riding than I do now.  Averaging only two times a week is not doing the horses or me any good. So it’s about time I make time for them and myself.

The thought process behind this is simply that I’m not getting any younger and can’t keep waiting to have the time to ride.  I need to make the time to ride.  The house will be clean and the laundry done.  I’m relatively certain we won’t starve if I don’t shop for groceries on a regular schedule.  Really, we did eat last week so what’s the big deal with left overs and take out once in a while?  I’m sure we’ll survive if I’m not Suzy Homemaker, Wife Extraordinaire and Domestic Goddess all rolled into one!

As a matter of fact, I’m planning on riding this weekend.  Poor Dusty and Blue.  Well, they’ll get used to it.  I’m sure when I tell them how fit they’ll be by the Spring they will thank me with slobbery kisses and horsey hugs! Or they may be thinking “In your dreams lady” at this very moment.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year filled with happiness, peace and good rides!

Until next time

Quote for Today
Riding is not a sport, it is a passion. If you do not share the passion, you do not know the sport, and therefore are wasting your time.


  1. I like the way your mind works! Happy New Year to you and your family. The photograph of the moon is outstanding!!!

  2. I wish you the best of luck with your riding! You're absolutely right, it is hard to just make time to ride. It's weird that we have to almost force ourselves to do the things we love and are passionate about more often! I believe I need to follow your lead. I used to ride regularly, and have stopped. I haven't been on a horse since August and probably haven't been on my own in...well, quite some time. So much I can't remember! So, here's to us both and the most beautiful and enthralling experience that is being on such a majestic creature. Happy New Year!

  3. More riding is a resolution you are certain to keep!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! I love your New Year's resolution to ride more. In our house Brian and I make everything wait - his running and my riding come first. Then, the laundry gets done, then the grass is cut. I have to ride to be a good person - so it has to come first!

    Have a great holiday! Hugs to Dusty and Blue too!

  5. I second all your (non)resolutions - horsework before housework!!

  6. I share your lack of enthusiasm about the New Year's Resolution thing, especially since I vow things like "eating healthier" and then decide SOMEONE has to finish the eggnog and well, there is all that leftover Christmas candy that really shouldn't go to waste (instead, it "goes to WAIST"). Ahem.

    But the riding more often thing is do-able, and I'm getting my dressage saddle back from the consignment shop next weekend (had planned to drive today but didn't get motivated early enough and I have stuff to do around here that should be done first). Good luck with your plans! Happy New Year!!

  7. Happy New Year, Arlene - I love your way of looking at this and am there myself in some ways - my 2012 riding routine tended to be in bursts. I would ride regularly for 3 weeks or so then life would get crazy and my riding would get pushed to the bottom of the list. Then I would put it back at the top for another 3 weeks, repeat, repeat. Keil Bay seems fine with this routine to be honest, but I like the idea of having a ride every day. On crazy days the ride is what will make the day sane! Hope we both make this happen for ourselves in this coming new year!

  8. Happy new year to you and your family! Making more time to ride is a great idea! :-)

  9. Happy New Year! Your plans for no resolutions and more horse time sounds just perfect!

  10. Happy New Year to you too! Here's to no resolutions other than to love what you love!

  11. Perfect way to start the new year! Heck maybe some folks could even tend to them selves...or...make you dinner some times.

  12. Happy New Year to you!! And many joy filled rides wished for you, too!


  13. Who knows... perhaps your horses have the same no-New-Year's-Resolutions that you have. Wouldn't that be a nice coincidence. I promise you that I have exactly the same no-New-Year's-Resolutions as you (and perhaps your horses) have and for exactly the same reasons.
    I do have an actual New Year's Resolution though: be a better blogger. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to keep that one.

    So a very Happy New Year to us all and may we all be able to keep our (no-)N-Y-R. YAY!!!

    Big smile to you and your horses and since it's not 2013 here yet, 'see' you next year.

  14. Happy New Year Arlene! Excellent non-resolution to have-making the time now is really what it is all about with the ones we love. Thanks for the reminder!
    Hope you have a fabulous new year-
    Sue and the crew

  15. i still haven't gotten around to sending out Christmas cards, so you can't expect me to skip ahead to the new years resolutions. : ) hope you have a great year!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  16. Horse time always beats out housework. Hope you, your family and your animals have a healthy and happy 2013!


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