Year End Dust-up
Another year takes its last gasp and the hope and promise of a better New Year is launched. Since my penchant for organization is one of my character flaws, I cannot have unfinished business lingering facing a new year.
A while ago, I was tagged by three great bloggers to do a ‘horsey meme’. In this particular meme, I am to list six horsey things that no one knows about me and I assume I should try to make it interesting to some extent. I will try, although I believe I have done this twice on previous memes. I won’t be tagging anyone this time, I’m reasonably sure that most of you have been tagged by this particular meme, but as always if you would like to participate, please feel free.
Here are the links to my taggers:
Jackie has a very informative blog about what is currently happening in the horse world at Regarding Horses. Her blog has also incorporated another blog into it (on the sidebar – Ace’s Blog) which is about her journey with Ace. Jackie is a lifetime equestrian and first time horse owner. Both blogs are definitely worth the read.
Julian from White Horse Pilgrim is a most interesting fellow who always has wonderful insights and adventures to report.
Nicole’s blog is Hopelessly Horseless. I’ve just started reading Nicole’s blog and it looks to be an interesting mix of posts. We will all be keeping our fingers crossed that one day her dream of owning a horse (even though she is allergic to them) will become a reality.
Below is my attempt at coming up with six horsey things no one knows about me:
- If there’s one thing I can’t tolerate it’s animal abuse. I’m someone who believes there can never be enough retribution for mistreating any animal, especially a horse. Feeling very strongly about this, I would introduce the old punishment of “an eye for an eye.” That may sound extreme - even medieval - but perhaps if the tables were turned, abusers would think twice about their ill-treatment of innocent animals.
- As a novice to the world of Dressage, I find the organization, the artistry and the respect for the horse that are an integral part of this particular discipline intriguing. After doing extensive research on the diverse styles of riding and training for this discipline, I have settled mostly on the French School for its softer, less invasive methods. Obviously, the classical way of riding is timeless.
- Which brings me to another reflection on riding: Why are trainers and self-professed “horse whisperers” always trying to come up with their latest “innovative” ideas on riding/training a horse? When it comes to riding and training, I think if it’s not broken, don’t fix it! The old masters were not all perfect, but over time they have exhausted just about every training possibility, and have left us with some pretty successful and reliable techniques for training horses. Which means all of this “innovation” is a crock, in my opinion. I feel it is merely a way to line their pockets and promote their products and self-image. And most just follow the current fashion set by the new generation of know-it-alls without question, instead of asking: does it make sense, is it necessary, is it a gimmick, and could it be harmful to the horse? One example is “Rollkur;” it is accepted even though it has been shown to be harmful to the horse. Why, you ask? The judges condone this practice, because upper level riders use it to “train” their expensive Grand Prix mounts in record time. Many practices in the horse world need to stop being accepted simply because an international star wins with a certain way of riding.
- When I was 6 or 7 years old, I met my first real horse in person. Prior to this chance meeting, I was under the impression that all horses lived out West and on TV westerns. Okay, so I was not the sharpest knife in the draw during my younger years. I’ll never forget my first sight of this bay horse grazing in a backyard; I slammed the brakes on my bike so hard I almost went over the handlebars. He turned out to be a retired blind racehorse. I visited him often and brought him apples and carrots that summer; this is one of the best memories from my childhood.
- Jumping courses has always been my favorite part of riding. Having had a knee replacement four months ago, I have my doubts that this will be possible in my future, but who knows?
- Someday I would like to try riding Western. Even though I have been on many “vacation trail rides,” I have never felt comfortable or secure in a western saddle. Learning to ride the correct way in a western saddle might help the security issue. Besides how cute would Dusty look in a tricked out saddle with silver and turquoise? You know she would love it, and I have always liked the western riding wear too!
Superior Scribbler Award
Billie at camera-obscura recently honored me with the Superior Scribbler Award. Thank you Billie, I appreciate your thinking of me for this award and for the kind words accompanying it. So now, it’s my turn to pass this award on, and I can think of so many of you out there who deserve this award, but since I’m a little late on getting this out, many have already have received it. I’d like the award to go to JME who does such a great job scribbling at Glenshee Equestrian. JME’s posts are always well written and interesting. Her latest series on Rein Aids and Bitless Bridles were so educational and enlightening, everyone who reads these posts will certainly take away with them something useful to apply in their riding. I hope you enjoy your award.
Until next time
Quote for Today
I have often been asked why do I like horses so much. Look into one's eyes. There you will see generations of horses who have served the human for thousands of years faithfully for nothing in return, beaten horses, starved hoses, horses who no longer possess a spirit. They deserve to be loved and respected as much as humanly possible. Let them run free again. Let them no longer be a faithful beast, but embrace them as you would a dear friend, for they are.
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