Thursday, June 16, 2016

Farm News

" Blue "

It’s been quiet around here lately with nothing much happening with riding.  Our vet was out last month for their Spring shots.  I had him evaluate Blue to see how he was doing and it seems he’s got sore hocks and arthritis.  We opted not to give him hock injections because he’s had them in the past and personally I don’t think they help him much.  He told me about a new treatment they have been using that seems to work better.  It’s a series of two OSPHOS shots a few weeks apart and should take about a month or two to work if they’re going to help him.  It's a treatment based on those given to humans to treat osteoporosis, and I think the idea is that it will slow degeneration of the arthritic areas and maybe even help remodel some of the damaged bone surfaces that are causing him discomfort. It's supposed to be the new wonder drug for a lot of arthritic conditions, so we thought it was worth a try for Blue. Anyway, it’s been almost a month and I’m hoping to maybe take him for a walk this weekend and see how he’s feeling.

Sami had a very mild flare up of laminitis and is wearing his grazing muzzle and Dusty’s SoftRide boots. He seems to be doing much better.  Except for the night he came in without his muzzle.  One of his friends (this means you Grady) must have helped him take it off.  The next day he was a little sore again, but he’s doing better now.

Everybody else is doing fine and had a five pound bag of carrots between them yesterday.  My grandchildren were visiting and the horses love to see them coming because they know there are lots of treats involved!

Until next time

Quote for Today

He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he always knows when you have carrots.


  1. Blue is beautiful! I hope that the injections help.
    It's funny how things go- there seems to be nothing to write about and then, suddenly, there's far too much. :)

  2. Let us know how/if the injections work. We'd like to be able to do something for Flash. Hock injections didn't help him either. Previcox is a definite help but really just takes the edge off. Does this treatment target a specific area or does it give all-over relief? (Flash has arthritis everywhere)

    1. Hi Annette,
      This drug was originally invented for osteoporosis. It is supposed to give all over relief and help to remodel some arthritic bones and prevent further deterioration and fill in where cartilage is worn down. They are also using it for navicular. It is given in the muscle and travels all over the body from what I understand. I'm not an expert by any means but it might be worth asking your vet about or check it out online and see what you think. I don't know if it will work but I figured it was worth a try.

  3. What would we do without carrots. Hope both horses improve and can get back to normal, if there is such a thing. We are headed for 90 on Sunday, and still need rain. You too?

    1. We're not too bad only in the low 80's but we could use some rain too.

  4. I'm also very interested to see how it works. If it travels all over the body, maybe it would help Cowboy's foot. Please keep us updated! I know what you mean about the grandkids!! "Hey, Little girl, give me some of that grain over there!"

    1. Hi Linda,
      I'll let you know when I do how or if it seems to help.

  5. Also looking forward to hearing your experience with the drug.

    Gosh, but what he doesn't look so handsome up against that crisp, white fence!

  6. Our vet took part in an OSPHOS study a couple years ago, they saw favorable results and recommended it as a treatment. Of course it doesn't work for every horse, don't recall the percentages - but they were favorable. Truly hope it makes a difference for Blue!!

    1. I hope so too. We'll just have to wait and see.

  7. Keep us posted! I hope it works for Blue.

  8. Keep us posted - I hope it works for Blue!

  9. I sure hope the OsPhos helps Blue. We used it on Missy who has fairly severe navicular in both fronts, especially the right. Sadly to say, I didn't notice much, if any of an improvement. However, drugs always have more success when used early in the onset of problems. I've not heard it used for bone spavin before, sure hope it works. *fingers crossed* Thanks Arlene, I sure appreciate your comments on my "whoa is me" posts lately. :)

    1. Thanks Lori I hope it works too but I'm always skeptical about these things. Just have to wait and see.

  10. Oh Blue! Keeping my fingers crossed that the treatment works for him, do keep us posted. Hope he's not in pain.

    Hmm, Grady must be quite dexterous, being able to remove a grazing muzzle, as unhelpful as that it is! Hope Sami carries on recovering.

    I've got a very cute image in my mind of excited horses and children :) Hope you're all keeping well. How is little Ginger?

    1. We should know soon how Blue is doing. I hope to ride him tomorrow for a bit. Ginger is growing and learning some manners but she's still a little terror!

  11. Hope it makes a difference for Blue. Maybe getting back into riding will help he feel better to?


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