Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday’s Ride

" Dusty"

Dusty and I finally got a chance to take a whirl around the arena this past weekend.  Our ride wasn’t exactly what I’d call stunning but it was a ride and I was happy to be back in the saddle again.  We started off with no dramatics at the mounting block.  By this I mean she stood quietly and let me mount up without swinging her butt out and having to be lunged.  I thought we were off to a good start.  I was wrong as usual.

She seemed to have a rocket up her butt.  This surprised me because for the past two nights she refused to come in.  The first night she convinced Nate and Mellon to keep her company and the second night Grady and Mellon.  I assumed she would be tired and hard to get going.  Wrong again. 

As we started off on our warm up walk she was very forward and covering a lot of ground. When we started our trot work she decided it was still a good idea to travel at speed with a little counter bend and bouncing head thrown in for good measure.  Now when she gets like this the only way to cure the problem is occasional half halts with indirect rein behind the wither coupled with a consistent following feel with her mouth. The other correction that seems to work with her is to circle her off the rail in corner quadrants of the ring until she decides to listen and adjust her speed.  We worked this way in both directions until we finally ended on a good note and I dismounted.

My theories about why she was so resistant are two-fold:  Dusty hasn’t been ridden in weeks due to the hectic times surrounding the holidays.  I also have a feeling that she was tired from spending a few nights outside and not getting enough sleep.  Sort of reminds me of a cranky kid who’s tired and amps up the energy factor and orneriness just because… Whatever her problem was I’m glad we ended on a good note.

Dusty did something on the way back to the barn that she’s never done before and caught me by surprise.  As we moseyed along I was letting her take some bites of grass sticking up through the thin layer of snow.  I wasn’t paying much attention and the next thing I knew she started going down for a roll.  All I could think of was “No, not on my new saddle!”  I quickly got her up just before she went over.  Granted she’s got a full winter coat and was a little sweaty and I’m sure a roll in the cool snow would have felt good but not with my saddle in jeopardy.  She got a nice towel off and treats when we were back in the barn.  I hope it made up for her non-roll in the snow.

Until next time
Quote for Today

The horse you get off is not the same as the horse you got on; it is your job as a rider to ensure that as often as possible the change is for the better.


  1. I am glad she was good for you during the mount up, at least that's something. I liked the way you described the over tired ansty cranky, I knew exactly what you meant. Not much you can do about that. I can only imagine what you were feeling when she started to "go down" Yikes, I have never had that experience, but I bet it's a bit unnerving. I am glad you ended up on a good note, with many more to come.

    1. Thanks Mary. She did take me by surprise when she started to fold up and go down. Not as much as the time my horse Erik decided he was too tired to continue and it was time to take a rest/roll during the middle of a lesson with a rider on his back though!

  2. I give you credit for getting out there on Dusty. Can't believe how long I have been in limbo about riding. It hit 70+ here today.

    1. Hi Lori,

      Wow, you really warmed up yesterday! We only got up to about 43 but it was so foggy and humid and damp. So Dusty and I did get a little sweaty. I didn't try to roll in the snow though.

  3. Laughing a bit--with you, I hope--at how "into her own world" Dusty was for your ride and afterwards. Clearly she had her own agenda for the day and had no trouble expressing herself.

    Gotta love a horse with character! But, she did stand at the mounting block for you, so somehow you had been figured into the equation. *G*

    1. Hi Jean,

      I think the biggest part of her figuring me into the equation was the after ride treats! If you like a horse with character Dusty's your girl.

  4. Glad you got a ride in!! In spite of the 70 degrees days we've had here, we had hoof trims on Friday, chiro on Saturday, and deworming today. Tomorrow Keil and Cody can get back under saddle, just in time for the 20 degree drop in temps and what is now forecast as 3 days of rain! I hope they're wrong, as I'm ready to get back on the Big Bay again. I wonder why Dusty got that sudden urge to roll?

    1. Hi billie,

      Hope you don't get that rain for the next three days. It's been very warm here but foggy and drizzly. I really think Dusty wanted to roll because she was very sweaty and hot with her winter coat. It was very damp and humid and she probably figured a roll in the snow would cool her off from her big work out.

  5. A good roll in the snow would feel good but not with a new saddle aboard, not that Dusty would care how much a new saddle costs these days. Glad you and your mare had some time together and it ended on a positive note, as all good relationships should!

    1. Hi D.J.,

      I'm happy we managed a ride this weekend too. I always like to end on a good note with all the horses. Dusty couldn't care less about the saddle. I'm sure she was only concerned with her immediate comfort at the moment. Still it was good to be able to save the saddle!

  6. Always important to end on a good note and glad you saved your saddle :-)

  7. Thanks Carolina,

    I'm glad my saddle made it out alive too.

  8. i'm just always glad when it's not a total disaster after so much time off!

    1. Not having "a total disaster" is always a plus... ;)

  9. Dusty stood at the mounting block???!!! Yipee!! She has attitude for sure, but would you really want it any other way? Makes the good stuff she does sooo much sweeter. Glad your saddle made it in one piece. :-)

    1. I was surprised too about the mounting block but she made up for it with her attitude. Having a horse with an attitude and personality is challenging but you're right I wouldn't like her any other way. It's what makes her special.

    2. I should have said she made up for her good behavior at the mounting block with her attitude for the rest of the lesson. Wonder why blogger doesn't let you edit?

  10. Great photo of Dusty! Glad you were out riding in your new saddle. Now, I'm sure Dusty (like most/all horses) could care less, new saddle, old saddle. Eating sprigs of green grass must mean a good roll is acceptable. Sure glad your saddle survived. And ... congrats on the mounting block! Cheers!

    1. Hi Marvel,

      Well my saddle is about a year old but I still consider it new! From ride to ride I never know what Dusty is going to do. I guess that's what keeps it so interesting.

  11. Glad you and Dusty had a good ride - maybe forward but still good. Were you on when she tried to roll? That is always an adventure!

    1. Hi Juliette,

      We did have a decent ride and no I wasn't on her when she decided to cool off. Thank goodness for that.

  12. Oh little miss Dawn...she certainly is an opinionated soul. :) You're probably quite right about her being a cranky gal. I'm the same way!
    Sounds like a good ride. Who am I kidding? All rides are good's been too long! I'm about to bust I wanna ride so bad!!!

  13. Hi C-ingspots,

    Hope you get to ride soon!

  14. I like that quote.

    You did great. I could have never gotten on Harley without working him in the round pen first after being off for a few weeks. Glad she didn't roll on your saddle!

    1. Hi Debbi,

      I seldom work the horses on the lunge before I ride them. Dusty is the exception because of her mounting issues. If she takes a step away from the block she gets lunged. This time I just wasn't in the mood for it so decided to just get on. Maybe it was my attitude but she did stand still this time. I'm glad my saddle is still intact too.

  15. It's probably a mare thing - Silk has been very feisty over the last week too. She refused a couple of times to go back in the barn to eat dinner, very unusual. I know that kind of trot you described very well. I think Dusty was just letting you know that she's ready for Spring right now! Lucky she didn't ruin the saddle. Lucky you got a ride in before this latest snow. I agree with Silk and Dusty, this weather is so annoying - why can't it be sunny and warm already!

    1. Hi Victoria,

      Mare really are an opinionated species aren't they! It's a good thing Silk and Dusty aren't pasture mates, I can't imagine the kind of chaos they could cause. Dusty has refused to come in four nights this week. She always manages to cajole another poor soul to stay out with her for the night. Mellon, Donnie, Grady and Nate have so far been under her spell.

  16. Fab that you and Dusty had a ride, after all this time. At least she got the mounting block bit right, never mind the rest of the ride ;o) Very apt description, comparing her to a cranky kid *lol*
    Makes me laugh that she chooses to stay out at night, yet insists another stays with her -- what a diva!
    Ooo! That almost-roll sounds a bit unnerving; glad you managed to save your saddle.

  17. Hi Joy,

    It was good to finally get a ride in after so much time off. Dusty wouldn't be Dusty if she didn't make it interesting. She's quite a character and very opinionated.

  18. Well done getting miss stay out late cranky pants into the arena for some work. It'll do her good (and you too!!) Good save on the saddle. :D

  19. CFS,

    Love your comment. You always make me smile!

  20. Dusty couldn't be more unlike mine on the stay in or stay out department! I let mine eat some nice snow kissed , green grass in, turned out in a field. She hadn't had turn out on 13 weeks. After my timed 15 minute reminder alarm went off...I called her,and she so told me that she might die if she didn't go in right then!

    Glad you got your ride...and I was cracking up with how that mare defies all research! She must study you too I think!
    Good save on you're new saddle!

  21. Dusty is definitely not as well behaved as Wa mare. She is an instigator and has the boys wrapped around her finger and I suppose that's how she gets someone to stay out all night with her.

  22. I'm hoping Rosie doesn't learn bad things while I'm laid up. I have two other people riding her that I trust 100% but we are all not the same. Somethings I wont' tolerate - other things they will.

  23. Hi Jeni,

    Sorry to hear you're laid up for a while and can't ride Rosie. I'll check in with your posts. I've been busy lately and just haven't gotten around to all my favorite blogs.


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