Stirrup Review
Last Christmas my husband presented me with a new pair of stirrups. I hadn’t used them until today. These are the Herm Sprenger System 4 Stirrups;

Herm Sprenger System 4 Stirrups offer security, flexibility, strength and comfort! This international, patent-pending style consists of four links allowing for movement in four directions at the same time, enabling immediate release in case of emergency. The Herm Sprenger System 4 Stirrup are the only stirrups in the world with dual lateral flexibility thereby softening the impact on your ligaments, cartilage and joints. HS Sprenger System 4 Stirrups adapt perfectly to the movements that have to be made in all riding disciplines. The high quality material and the ergonomical form guarantee comfort and security for horse and rider.
- Sprenger has made the original flex irons even better. Now they flex at four different points (two points on each side), for added comfort, safety, and performance.
- More security: The four links now allow movement in four directions at the same time enabling immediate release in case of an emergency.
- More comfort: Improved flexibility for easy mounting, secure whilst in motion, relieves tension in the hips, knees, ankles and calves following the movements of the foot precisely.
- More strength: Resistance against breakage has been increased by more than 30%. Special treads adapt to foot, ensuring permanent contact with stirrup.
My Thoughts
While I have been riding Dusty for a few weeks now and am enjoying myself again, my knees still hurt during the ride and afterwards. I did not immediately try these new stirrups because I wasn’t sure how they would work compared to the regular Fillis Irons I’m familiar with. Figuring the flexing joints may possibly give me some trouble with stability, they remained in my tack trunk. After last week’s ride on Dusty and Blue my knees took about 3 days to feel better, so as it was time to get back on, I knew I wanted to try something to relieve those aching knees.
I should say that the right knee I had replaced wasn’t actually giving me pain but it was very stiff. My left knee, however, is not in great shape. Whether it’s genetics (arthritis) or just too many jumps and horses over the years, who knows -and at this point, who cares; the damage is done. But I digress. After installing the new stirrups on my saddle, I did some ring work then took Dusty into the field. We did some hill walking and trotting and general meandering out there.
Well, I could not be more pleased with the way these stirrups felt and worked. There was no wobbling like I assumed there would be, my leg was secure, I was balanced and comfortable. Dusty decided she’d had enough fun for the day and then she spied some horse eating monsters in the woods. We proceeded to have a few discussions about her going home and we decided that no matter how many times she spun around and headed for the barn, we would just stay in the field a while longer and show her how much fun she was having. Therefore, to date this is the longest ride so far and the most comfortable.
As I sit here typing normally my legs and knees would be very painful to deal with but they don’t hurt at all. I would recommend these stirrups to anyone who has knee issues, be it arthritis or diminishing cartilage issues, hip pain etc…. I’m delighted someone finally made something for us mature riders to ease the strain and pain of riding. I guess from my flowery, gushing review it is easy to see I like these stirrups quite a lot. The only downside to them is they are rather pricey at around $199.00. But, then so is my doctor and it’s worth every penny to be able to enjoy a mostly pain free ride.
Until next time
Quote for Today
The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse!
I love these stirrups too! I am younger so no arthritis etc. but these stirrups still stop the hard jolts of a poor jump, bucks, spooks etc. I've had mine since I was ten or eleven and they have stood up to over a decade of use and the stirrup pads haven't even worn out yet! Definitely worth the money.
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Sprenger stirrups