Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well, Isn’t That Special

The other day when I was switching the word verification for comments to off I made a really huge mistake that can’t be corrected.  Computer genius that I am, I managed to delete every single comment on all my posts since I started this blog in 2007.  This was no easy feat and it took me quite some time, as there were roughly about 9,000 comments.  Even though it was time consuming, I bravely forged ahead.  Why did you do that, you might ask?  Suffering slightly from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), I usually go through my accounts and delete unnecessary e-mails once a week or so.  

I thought I might let you all in on how I did this so you don’t make the same mistake.  After I turned off the word verification that was making us all question our eyesight, I went to the comment moderation page.  There are tabs for "Spam," "Awaiting Moderation" and a "Published" button.  I had a few spammers that I deleted, a comment or two that I published and then I hit the "Published" tab.  Up popped all the comments ever left and in my infinite wisdom I figured since they were already published on my blog posts I might as well delete them and clear up some disk space.  Seems reasonable right?

That’s the story of how I deleted every single comment since 2007.  I know I’m not the least bit computer literate but I think blogger should have stated somewhere that if you delete your published comments in this tab they also disappear from your blog where idiots like me can understand what will happen when we do things like this. I also think there should be a way to recover the deleted items. They could go into a trash bin or recycle bin where they can be retrieved. Not Blogger; once they’re deleted they’re gone and there’s no way of retrieving them. Unless you have them in g-mail, which I didn’t because of my previous mentioned OCD.

 I’ll miss my comments because there were many good discussions in the comment section.  There were also some good ideas and solutions to problems and how others coped with certain situations.  So there you have it, I can officially go down as computer illiterate and not fit to be near electronics.

Until next time

Quote for Today
Nothing is foolproof to a properly motivated fool. 


  1. Thanks for the tip! I almost did that yesterday. Since I dumped the word verification I have gotten some garbage comments...have you?

  2. Oh, that would be so frustrating. I am sorry. I would be very able to make the same sort of mistake, believe me. I guess the one cheering thing is that its a better problem than a sick horse. But still, very frustrating.

  3. Bummer. Might you have backed up your blog recently with the "export" function, which I think is in the settings page somewhere? If you did and have that file saved somewhere (the file name will be something like "blog-10-03-2011.xml"), then the comments will be in there.

  4. Oh you must have been raging! I know I would and I have done similar things myself. I overwrote a backup once which meant I lost years of photo's. Clever girl! I agree, deleted stuff should always go into trash first so things can be retrieved. Excellent quote of the day.

  5. Oh man. I am really sorry. I figured that I might as well add a comment to try and replenish your pool. :)

  6. Thanks for the heads up.

    I wonder what words came out of your mouth once you figured out what happened?

    That quote is priceless! :)

  7. Oh no! You can blame me. I was the one that mentioned the stupid word verification thing. Ugh!

  8. I am sorry 9,000 comments vanished but the spirit in which they were written survive. No comfort there but you still have us as friends!
    (And thank you for turning off the word verification).

  9. I am so sorry to hear that. That is something I would do and then I would be furious. I do keep all my comments in email as a backup.

  10. Oh, I am so sorry. I know how frustrating that is. I lost my picture file from 2007 and still feel sick when I think about it.

    So, clean slate. Starting today. We'll start building that inventory again.

  11. That is discouraging. And you are right, there should have been a warning. I have always liked blogger, but lately they are so obsessed with changing everything that they are ignoring their bloggers! You might try going to the forums and see if anyone knows a way to retrieve the comments, it's not like they went into a furnace or something.

  12. Lori,
    I've been getting a lot more spam than usual, but I just delete it. Apparently along with everything else!

    Thanks for the tip. I'll take a look there but I doubt I backed anything up unless it does it automatically. My son was over and took a look at this tonight. He's a superstar IT guy and told me "nope it's all gone." The only way to get it all back is contact Google and get a URL and then copy and paste each comment back where it was on a post. I don't have that kind of time even if I could figure it out.

    Thanks to everyone else for their kind comments and not making me feel like an idiot. In the big picture it's not the worst thing that could happen to someone.

  13. It's OK. All the brilliant people who commented the first time are still around ready to express their opinions on nearly every topic. Besides, when would you have a chance to read through 9000 comments to find some particularly useful advice anyhow? *S*

    I've done that kind of thing myself, as have some people I know who are far more techsmart than I am. Goes with the territory of keyboard and monitor.

  14. Yipes! I've never opened that tab -- and I don't think I will!

  15. Oh man, that is such a huge bummer. I don't even have a smidgen of the comments that I am sure you had but I still enjoy re reading them every so often. I would be a mess for a while. When I get a comment, it also goes into my email and from there, I save them to a special file on my hard drive (I'm anal). It is still very possible to lose them from there but it is a little insurance for me. I am going to look for that export setting the7msn spoke about.

  16. This post reminded me of my high school soccer days. We were the worst team in the league and regularly got beat, and sometimes beat really bad. By the time I was a senior I'd usually just start laughing halfway through the game and couldn't stop. What else could I do? We were going to lose, spectacularly, again, might as well laugh about it.

  17. I'm so glad you're willing to be our beacon in the stormy seas of Blogger and are willing to share your infinite knowledge of what not to do ;-)

    I've disabled WV, but - knock on wood - have not received any unwanted junk mail yet.

  18. Ya know, I don't want to tell you this, but I have just posted on two other blogs with the new word verifications--changed now so the black background is gone--and I am SURE I did not type in the right letters--and my comments posted anyhow. Does that mean the whole process really doesn't matter after all as long as you type in something like what's there?

  19. Jean,
    I think you're right because I've done the same thing. I think as long as you're "close enough" it will post anyhow. Go figure.

  20. Lori,
    I've been getting an average of about 10 spammers a day since dumping the WV.

  21. I haven't worked out how to access word verification option. Does that make me worse or better off than you?

  22. English Rider,
    I'd say you're a step ahead of me in the game.

  23. Well, thanks for making that mistake so we don't have to, but sorry about all your comments. I agree there should be a recovery of deleted items available from blogger. Have you googled it to see if there's a way to bring it back?

  24. Linda,
    I've googled and searched and researched, once they're gone they're gone. Pfffft.

  25. Oh dear - this sounds exactly like something I would do! But never fear, we all are equally as opinionated and willing to share as we ever were, and sometimes it's nice to start with a clean slate. :)

  26. Yikes!! You must have been some p.o.'d!! Getting rid of that stupid two word verification is on my list of things to do. I am the least technical savy person in the's going to be a challenge!

  27. That would be awful! I have such great comments that I refer to for reference on health issues, etc. I'd hate to loose them. This could happen to almost anyone. Who knew? Thanks for the warning.
    And your intentions were great. I am so irritated by the word verification thing that I sometimes just give up trying to comment.

  28. At least you still have all the posts that you wrote, so we can all refer back to their wisdom and humor. This is why I haven't attempted to turn off the word verification. I'm sure I'll screw it up. I think Carson is right about needing to save our blogs with the "export" function. But as you can see with the 28 comments that are already here, it won't take long to build up to 9.000 again - We're all still here and just as opinionated as ever!

  29. How incredibly FRUSTRATING! All I can say is, you are not the only one to whom this sort of thing has happened...Bon Courage!

  30. I'm so sorry you lost the comments! We'll all start commenting frequently to help you get lots!! LOL! I too, could do that accidently.

    (In fact, I have been having difficulty bringing up your blog at home - on my dial-in computer - so I have to read it at work at lunchtimes. Don't know what changed. These computers sometimes have their own minds - and make our horses look sane!!)

  31. I have been having a lot of problems using blogspot recently. I don't think it is just us, I think they are having to many problems since they changed to the newest format which is a lot harder to use.

  32. Aawww, Sorry to hear you've lost all those comments. But, like everyone else, I too am very grateful to you for taking on the role of pack leader and forging ahead AND allowing us to learn right along with you! You go, girl! We're right behind you ;o)

  33. oh, that's so sad! They should have a warning window: "You sure you want to delete all your comments?" then one more, 'ARE YOU REALLY SURE ABOUT THAT?"
    - The Equestrian Vagabond


It's so nice of you to take the time to visit. I appreciate your stopping by and commenting on what I've written. Even though I sometimes don't have the time to reply to each comment, I do enjoy reading them.