This past weekend we took the horses down to the indoor in pairs to let them stretch their legs a bit. With all the snow we've had they basically just stand around and eat hay out of the hay baskets and are generally "pasture potatoes." They may occasionally mosey to another field, only to find there's still snow there too. Then turn around and come back ever hopeful that tomorrow there will be grass.
This video is of Hanz and Sami. Sami got a little snorty and nervous but he did get some exercise. He's like the little kid that doesn't want to let go of your hand at the playground. Sami likes to be on the lead line and directed. He kept coming over to me and then running to the door asking if we could go home yet.
"Hanz & Sami"
Next we brought down Blue and Rosie, this is about as excited as they got:
Blue stopped in front of the jumps then decided to go around each one
"This looks like work"
"Nope, not falling for that"
"Just moseying around"
"No Rosie you can't eat that!" Rosie: "Well it looks like grass but has no taste" |
Rosie followed me over all the jumps and wherever I went. It was like having a shadow. She even trotted over a few. Good girl Rosie!
"Whew! That was quite a workout!"
And Blue still retains his title as this barns laziest horse with his daily 11 a.m. nap. |
Quote for Today
Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.
Funny, I was on your blog trying to find the post about your built in indoor mounting block (thought it was you? I am looking for ideas) and this post popped up! Yay, love this update - complete with video. Your photo captions of Blue made me laugh out loud, what a character! Your horses are beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteThanks aurora! Blue has been a real character his whole life. He always goes his own way and does his own thing. He makes us laugh all the time.
ReplyDeleteThe mounting block is in a post from November titled "We've been busy". Love that mounting block its one of the best additions we've ever done. It accommodates any size horse with no problems and its sturdy since its built in.
Thank you, I found your post with the mounting block. I had a folder with related ideas, that apparently is filed so well I can't find the darn thing. Trying to plead my case for a built in :)
DeleteI like it because of all the different levels and its sturdy and stays in one spot! No moving it around.
DeleteBlue would like to remind everyone about the importance of beauty sleep ;D
ReplyDeleteWell, he certainly gets plenty of beauty sleep. He's been taking a nap everyday since he was 4 yrs. old. He even refused to get up when he was being braided at a show, had to pull up a chair during his rest time. He's also been known to have the vet give him his shots while he's resting. The vet couldn't believe it. Nothing is going to disturb this boys serious rest time.
DeleteYour horses look great, and SO CLEAN!! I love your indoor arena. It’s all mud here right now. Things are sloppy and slick and dangerous. I almost look back and miss the snow! Lol. Forget I said that!
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda. We’ve still got snow which will turn into mud shortly I’m sure. The driveway was icy in spots so getting down to the indoor was a bit tricky but we made it. And if you look closely they’re not so clean!
ReplyDeleteOh Blue made me laugh! I was envisioning him with the voice of Eeyore in the Winnie the Pooh cartoons.
ReplyDeleteHi Shirley. Blue makes everyone laugh, he's such a character. He's the laziest and most stubborn horse I've ever had. Then again he's also the safest horse I've ever ridden. He could definitely have Eeyore's voice!
DeleteOh my gosh, this is wonderful! I love seeing them move and Blue is hilarious. Enjoy your lovely indoor space - my dream space for our crazy climate lately! :)))
ReplyDeleteHi billie,
DeleteSami and Hanz did get some good exercise. Rosie worked a little too. Blue...not so much! We didn't get to use the indoor as much as we wanted to. There was so much snow and its downhill so it was hard to get to for a while. It can't be plowed because that would just pile it in front of the doors. We tromped through it a few times but it was hard going since it was almost over our boots. Next year we've come up with a better solution so that should help us use the indoor more.
This made me laugh. Especially Blu. What a character!
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa,
DeleteBlue is one in a million. We've had him since he was a 4 yr. old, he's 23 now. He never fails to make everyone smile with his unique personality.
Love seeing Sami and Hanz running around. Am I right in thinking Sami is an Arabian or has some Arabian in him? The way he holds his tail (is that the right terminology?) when he's running reminds me of Arabs :)
ReplyDeleteRosie is such a good girl. Like having an oversized dog.
Ah, Blue! He could be my spirit animal *LOL*
Hi Joy,
DeleteSami is 100% pure Arabian. We rescued him many years ago as a 5 yr. old stallion. He quickly became a gelding. He's very sweet. And, yes, Blue is definitely a good role model for a spirit animal! I see him as very zen with himself.;) Rosie is a sweet girl, they do say Quarter horses are the Golden Retrievers of the horse world.
Good to know I remembered correctly about Sami, memory isn't what it used to be with age ;) You rescued his mum too? I remember a real sweetheart was always with him.
DeleteWell, if Quarter horses are the Golden Retrievers of the horse world, if ever I get a horse, that sounds like a good choice :) Don't know how easy they'd be to find in the UK though.
You do have a good memory! We rescued Sami’s mom too. We called her Sweetie. I’m sure there are enough QH’s over there if you ever do get a horse. Then again you would know better than me what’s available.
DeleteBlue looks about as excited as my horse when I tried to get her to jump. Love the barn.
ReplyDeleteThanks! He's our least motivated horse for sure.