Awards and Tags
My friend Callie over at Midwest Horse has recently given me an award. Callie is one of the best people in the “horsey” blogosphere, and I am honored to receive this particular award from her. It means a lot to me that she considers me her friend. Thank you Callie - and if you’re ever in the area stop by!
There are so many friends I have made in the short time I have been blogging it is hard to choose just a few, but I will attempt to whittle down my huge list to a few and let others have a chance to pass this award on.
Flying Lily, who is a wonderful horse person and horse mom to her two gorgeous horses, Johnnie and Montana.
One Cowgirl, who always has the best pictures and is a genuine cowgirl leading a fascinating life out west.
JME who has one of the most informative, knowledgeable blogs I have ever read, and is very helpful to anyone who needs her advice.
I hope you girls enjoy your award and pass it on to your blogging friends.
On the Bit has tagged me with a meme. This particular tag requires me to divulge six things about me and the theme is to be horse related. I'm not great at tagging people so if you would like to play along, consider yourself tagged. These are the rules to follow if you want to participate:
1. Write six random things about yourself.2. Link to the person who tagged you.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry
Okay, here it comes.
- I despise people who mistreat any animal, especially horses.
- I’m not as good a rider as I think I am.
- I’m not as bad a rider as I think I am.
- I always try to match all my horse’s clothing – saddle pads, wraps, etc… to what I wear. The theory behind this is when the ambulance shows up, even if you’re covered in mud from head to toe, at least you’ll look like you may have belonged on the horse.
- I am hoping that I will be able to get back on a horse in a month or two as soon as the knee rehab is over. Even though it is much better, it’s nowhere near good enough to ride.
- It’s been a little over a year since I started blogging and I am always amazed that anyone even bothers to read what I have to say. I’m not an expert on anything, but I do have a lot of opinions, and it makes me feel good to know there are people out there who agree with me on certain horse subjects. So thank you everyone for being so supportive and kind.
Until next time
Quote for Today
Grab life by the reins.
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