Saturday, July 17, 2010

Horses in the Mist

This is a picture I took this morning around 8 o'clock.  It seems we have been waking up to this hazy, hot and humid weather every day for a few weeks. The temperatures are always hovering about 90 degrees or above.  Obviously, it's not conducive to working either horses or humans.

Dusty was very lame this morning and the general consensus is that she either has a bad stone bruise or is working on an abscess. She's resting in her stall today. Mellon was allowed out to graze, under supervision of course, while his stall was mucked out. His leg is healing nicely from his torn tendon injury. He still behaves like a 5 year old not like a 22/23? year old horse and that is how he keeps injuring himself. Other than that we're getting through the weather here one day at a time.

Here are some morning pictures before we brought the horses in to spend the day under their fans.  We'll put them out again tonight when it's cooler and less buggy. They'll all get showers when they're settled in. I may just turn the hose on myself too!
' Misty and Muggy'
 'Grady apparently rolled in the mud after the thunderstorm last night'
'Nothing phases Blue as long as he's eating'
'Nate hiding out in the shed'
'Sweetie chowing down'
'Sami keeping mom company'
'Mellon and Nate doing their morning groom-fest routine'
' Dusty giving me her "You're annoying me again look"

The remaining pictures are of Mellon grazing,visiting and exploring

Until next time

Quote for Today
Kissed by sunlight, embraced by open fields. The horse is the center of all beautiful things.

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